Pluggable Views

Flask-Pony has built-in views for simple CRUD-operations.

CRUD: creating, editing, deleting and reading

This views are based on classes. Names of classes and some properties are borrowed from the Django framework, but aren’t copies and work separately.

All views use repository to work with entities. Static property repository_class, which contains a reference to repository class, should be redefined.

Detailed description of each view is given below.


If class-based views are used, then class should be converted in function by method as_view(). Then new route should be added in application by method add_url_rule().


I create a decorator route() for this task. It can automatically generate the name for new route (entry point)/ If you have reasons to considering that it not workable in some cases, please write me.

Decorator takes 2 mandatory arguments: application reference (blueprint) and route:

from flask import MethodView
from flask_pony.decorators import route

from . import app

@route(app, '/categories')
class CategoryList(MethodView):


The view is using for displaying entities as a list ListView.

from flask_pony.views import ListView
from flask_pony.decorators import route

from . import app
from .repositories import CategoryRepository

@route(app, '/categories')
class CategoryList(ListView):
    repository_class = CategoryRepository

# without a decorator
# app.add_url_rule('/categories',
#                  view_func=CategoryList.as_view('category_list'))

A variable entities (entity collection) will be passed into the template.

{# templates/category/list.html #}

{% extends "layouts/base.html" %}

{% block page_title %}Categories{% endblock %}

{% block page_content %}
    {% for entity in entities %}
        <li>{{ entity.title }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}


For displaying a detailed description about one entity is using the view ShowView. The route must contain one parameter id - entity identifier.

If an entity isn’t found in the database then the code 404 will be returned.

from flask_pony.views import ShowView
from flask_pony.decorators import route

from . import app
from .repositories import CategoryRepository

@route(app, '/category/<int:id>')
class CategoryShow(ShowView):
    repository_class = CategoryRepository

A variable entity will be passed into the template.

{# templates/category/show.html #}

{% extends "layouts/base.html" %}

{% block page_title %}{{ entity.title }}{% endblock %}


For creating a new entity is using the view CreateView.

If an entity successfully created, is necessary to do a mandatory redirecting. It is necessary to protect from resending the form by pressing the key F5. Static property success_endpoint, should be redefined for that.

from flask_pony.views import CreateView
from flask_pony.decorators import route

from . import app
from .repositories import CategoryRepository

@route(app, '/category/add')
class CategoryCreate(CreateView):
    repository_class = CategoryRepository
    success_endpoint = 'category_update'

A variable form will be passed into the template. You can display form manually or use third-party macros. For instance, quick_form from Flask-Bootstrap

{# templates/category/create.html #}

{% extends "layouts/base.html" %}
{% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %}

{% block page_title %}Add category{% endblock %}

{% block page_content %}
    {{ wtf.quick_form(form) }}
{% endblock %}


For editing an entity is using the view UpdateView. The properties are the same as for CreateView, only the route must contain one parameter id - entity identifier.

If an entity isn’t found in the database then the code 404 will be returned.

from flask_pony.views import UpdateView
from flask_pony.decorators import route

from . import app
from .repositories import CategoryRepository

@route(app, '/category/edit/<int:id>')
class CategoryUpdate(UpdateView):
    repository_class = CategoryRepository
    success_endpoint = 'category_update'

Variables entity and form will be passed into the template.

{# templates/category/update.html #}

{% extends "layouts/base.html" %}
{% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %}

{% block page_title %}
    Change category {{ entity.title }}
{% endblock %}

{% block page_content %}
    {{ wtf.quick_form(form) }}
{% endblock %}


For deleting an entity is using the view DeleteView. The properties are the same as for CreateView, only the route must contain one parameter id - entity identifier.

from flask_pony.views import DeleteView
from flask_pony.decorators import route

from . import app
from .repositories import CategoryRepository

@route(app, '/category/delete/<int:id>')
class CategoryDelete(DeleteView):
    repository_class = repositories.CategoryRepository
    success_endpoint = 'category_list'

This view is available only by POST method.